
March 23, 2011 - Phil & Lesley Aslett's concert to benefit "Bras for the Cause" netted close to $400!  Guest players included Kaitlin (clarinet), Pete (harmonica), Colleen (violin), and Charlie (vocals).  The program was loosely based on music from different countries, & how music from one country influences composers from another.  Charlie closed the program by leading the audience in singing America the Beautiful.  We thank Phil & Lesley & guest players for sharing their talents.

Phil & Lesley

Lesley, Kaitlin & Phil

Anne, MC

Joyce at donation table for BFTC

Lesley & Phil


Lesley, Phil & Pete

Charlie accompanied by Leslie & Phil


Lesley, Phil, Colleen & Kaitlin

Lesley giving thanks

Whole group

Anne announcing drawing winner

JAlbum 3.2